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  • Writer's pictureFadi Khoury

How Can Visitors Tracking Technology Help Events Improve?

Visitor tracking technology is an important tool for trade show organizers, as it allows them to gather data on the movements and behaviors of attendees and use this data to improve the event experience. By tracking visitors, organizers can identify patterns and trends that can inform marketing strategies, event planning, and visitor engagement.

One of the main ways that visitor tracking technology can be used in trade shows is to gather data on the movements and behaviors of attendees. This can include information on where attendees go within the event venue, how long they stay in certain areas, and what they do while they are there. By analyzing this data, organizers can identify patterns and trends that can inform marketing strategies and event planning. For example, organizers might identify that a particular area of the event is particularly popular with attendees and might create marketing campaigns or event experiences that are tailored to this area.

Visitor tracking technology can also be used to gather data on the preferences and behaviors of attendees. This can include information on what attendees are interested in, what they are looking for at the event, and what they are likely to engage with. By analyzing this data, organizers can create targeted marketing campaigns and event experiences that are tailored to the needs and interests of attendees. For example, organizers might create social media campaigns that encourage attendees to share their experiences at the event, or might create interactive exhibits or workshops that encourage attendees to participate and engage with the event.

In addition to gathering data on the movements and behaviors of attendees, visitor tracking technology can also be used to improve the overall event experience. By analyzing data on past events, organizers can identify areas that need improvement and make changes to enhance the overall event experience. This can include everything from the layout of the event venue to the quality of the food and entertainment.

Visitors movement behavior can hold a ton of hidden information. When it comes to available technologies, it would all depend on the organizer's budget. For instance, unanimous tracking via WIFI is relatively affordable to deploy and generate aggregated behavioral data, such as heatmaps. More personalized tracking would require a bigger investment but could reveal a lot more information on individuals level.

Just like how tracking online activity is easily available, the onsite tracking remains underused and to a big extent unexplored by many organizers. It's definitely the time to start taking this important piece of information more seriously.


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